New Years Resolutions of MK Students

Stacie Hueter, Reporter

“New Year, New Me!” the old saying goes, and the year 2023 is finally here! In the beginning, people tend to make resolutions and claim that they will become the most productive that they have been in their entire lives. Yet, two weeks later, when the hype of the new year dies down, they abandon those declarations due to the pressure of executing their resolutions. Almost everyone, at some point, is guilty of this, and millions are bound to make this mistake again.  

However, for those people who are determined to abandon unhealthy habits that have lasted many years and replace them with healthier and more productive ones, accountability might be the key.

According to an article published by Medium, a study conducted by the American Society of Training and Development found that “people are 65 percent more likely to meet a goal after making a commitment to someone else.” This shows that if we have someone to share our goals with, we are better able to accomplish them.  

An idea for accountability might be to tell a friend or family member what you want to accomplish so that they can hold you to it, like completing homework and assignments for a teacher. For instance, some staff and students shared their resolutions, and the person who is keeping accountability for those goals is now you! Subsequently, they will feel more motivated to complete their goals.

My personal resolutions include reading and writing more, prioritizing self-care, reading my bible, and lessening my screen time. 

Sophomore APA dance student Ariana Crum states,, “I would like to improve and prioritize my physical health.” 

Sophomore APA theater student Cecile Benard says, “I would love to get a 90 or above as a final grade in geometry.” 

Lunch aide Mr. G says, “I’d like to lose weight so I can live long enough to see my daughter get married.”

Sophomore Shelby Swank says, “I want to learn how to roller skate because I’m very interested. My level of interest would motivate me to keep up with it.”

Sophomore Jeanette Yeung says, “I want to improve my writing skills.”

Danielle McGrath says she wants to “keep trying [her] best” at everything she does, from musical theater to academics. 

Good luck to everyone else at Morris Knolls with their personal resolutions, big or small. And having a great support system always helps. Happy New Year, MK!