The waves of applause as the curtains to Morris Knolls’s third annual Broadway night roared as singers, dancers, and stage crew, once again astonished the audience with their skills, talent, and professionalism. The whistling high notes that could shatter glass, lively choreographies that delighted children and grandparents, and the raw emotions displayed by the performers invoked laughter and tears in the viewers.
On December 6th, 2024, this year’s Broadway Night featured songs from famous musicals such as: “The Phantom of the Opera,”“Beetlejuice,” and “West Side Story.”
A major highlight of MK’s Broadway Night this year was the original dance choreographed by the Class of 2025 to the song “You Can’t Stop the Beat.” The seniors’ energetic grooves and happy tunes ended the night on a satisfying note.
Other than showcasing MK’s amazing talents, Broadway Night is also the fundraiser for the Spring Musical which was revealed to be Anything Goes.
Currently a junior at MK, Jillianne Aquino who performed “Once Upon a December”, describes her first experience at Broadway Night as, “My first time on stage felt like a miracle, a dream I never thought I’d be able to achieve. I couldn’t see the audience clearly, but I felt their gazes straight at me, it was intimidating yet motivating.”
As the curtains closed and the audience pulled out of the parking lot, despite the ending of Broadway Night, everyone had already begun to anticipate the next exciting performance by MK’s Thespian Society, the Spring Musical.