New Academic and Social Center of MK
September 10, 2018
Morris Knolls – The Morris Knolls library had been closed since March 8th of this past school year, and both the students and faculty wondered what was underway. Turns out that we were anticipating a new, modern-looking library that would be completed upon our return in September. Renovating the library had become extremely necessary in order to provide an interactive student experience.
Many students utilize the library as a resource for doing research or projects. Now, the library has been stripped from top to bottom to make way for changes and even greater technology to further benefit the student body, and provide resources for teachers as well.
At the grand opening on September 4th, students walked into what seemed like an alien planet. Senior Abby Brunner reveals that “The way that the school redid the library gives a more ‘homey’ feel to it. It seems much more inviting and I have seen a lot more students enjoying the library’s atmosphere as of late.” This sensation has been experienced by many students, hence explaining the overwhelming surge of life that the library has harbored since the start of this school year. Its new design includes state-of-the-art facilities funded by the school’s board of education. Among its novel finishes are collaboration tables, laptop bars, LED lighting, and new furniture like swivel chairs. Now, the library is attuned to the needs of not only the pupils, but those who also contribute so highly to the caliber of the MK scene, the educators.
This library has also become a social springboard. Many students sit in the library and socialize before classes start, get in some extra studying time and finish homework together in hushed, polite voices during lunch period, and take out intriguing documentaries that fill the shelves alongside the plethora of literature to watch with their friends or families.
Despite the excitement garnered by the changes, library media specialist Mrs. Laura Peterson stated at the end of last year that “disappointment has clouded seniors this year since they will not be able to see the library.” The renovation also interfered with student and teacher academic progress before its completion to an extent– the library had become a moving cart with limited selections for a few months. This was an obstacle (albeit of minimal impact) for students who had to print and finish schoolwork and formerly relied upon the library to help them with those tasks. To ameliorate that problem, Mrs. Peterson went to classrooms to teach instead of having the classes come to the library.
Once one looks beyond that past challenge, however, he or she is able to reach what has become the undisputed consensus among students and faculty– this library has enriched both the academic and social environment at MK. The school administration members and companies working on this project have also found this project incredibly exciting. According to Mrs. Peterson, companies like Ki, New Horizon, and RFS collaborated with Morris Knolls to make this a reality.

Insulated from distractions, this room situated off of the main library is perfect for studying and research.

Students can come up to the desk to consult Mrs. Peterson, check themselves in and out, and borrow books or other resources.