10 Ways To Survive Life in Quarantine Review


Sophia Zygmunt, Reporter

As Covid-19 continues to affect how we interact, the fall play was still able to go on. This year the actors used Zoom and other virtual platforms to perform 10 Ways to Survive Life in Quarantine. The show consisted of several individual monologues performed by different characters that were then edited together to create one seamless show that was streamed live on Youtube. Each character had a unique personality and different advice to give to people stuck at home. The show was a comedy that left the audience laughing through each scene.

Since the actors were performing  from home, they had to get creative with their set and costumes. Sofia Slaman, who played Josie, stated “It was cool to create a set for my scene in the fall play. I’ve never been in charge of making a set so this was a unique opportunity to do it. I enjoyed having the freedom of designing my set which was one of my favorite things about doing the play virtually. Making the set was easy because I used Halloween decorations that I had from this past Halloween. Finding a costume wasn’t hard since I had already had a white blouse. Overall, doing the play virtually had its challenges, but it was fun having control over creating my own set pieces and costumes for my scene.” Actors used materials found around the house to create sets that enhanced each individual performance. The show was broken up into 10 smaller categories called methods with two characters each giving the audience different advice. Some methods included Perform In Your Own Musicals with Your Pets, Catch Up on Your Studies, and Tell Spooky Stories. Props such as basketballs, binders, and stuffed animals served as additional pieces that brought each character to life. Even pets were used during one of the methods!

Since the performers were unable to be together in person, they used pre-recorded videos that were then edited together to create a cohesive show. Music and lighting effects were also added to enhance performances. For example, when Rachel is telling her terrifying story about one-ply toilet paper, the room behind her was dark and there was a bright light that was just focused on her face, creating a spooky atmosphere. Music was also used to set the scene whether it was in the background of Toby’s scene, played by Alex Nieves, to create the feeling of watching a workout video, or in the background of Lou’s scene, played by EJ Gorman, to create an atmosphere of romance. Even though there was no fancy lighting or sound crew, the performers were able to design and create their own lighting and sound effects.

The director, Ms. Mazur, was forced to get creative this year since it was an unprecedented situation. She explained,“The most challenging part of having to do the play virtually was probably the cast missing out on bonding time–the casual time when they would just be hanging out before or after rehearsals and getting to know each other. Despite that, our cast developed some great chemistry with each other, particularly Christian and Elijah who co-hosted the show but had never met in person. Before each performance, the cast hung out together in a virtual “Green Room” and my student assistant director, Jacob Kantrowitz, ran our fall play “rituals” in a virtual format to try to keep some of the special traditions going in this unusual year.” Typically the cast is a tight-knight group of people who support each other and hang out together before practices, but in this environment that is extremely difficult. However, Ms. Mazur found a way and the cast was still able to connect during virtual practices.

Even though the audience could not watch the show in person, the actors were able to put on a successful show using virtual platforms. Although there are uncertainties for the future, there is high hope for a spring musical to take place later in the year.