Friday, the 13th of October, was the first Pep Rally for the 2023-2024 school year. Coined our fall pep rally, this event showcased many activities that MK offers in the first few months of the school year. Despite the ominous date it fell on this year, the pep rally went off without a hitch, and was a spectacular event which brought to light the many talents and special skills that can be found throughout the student body of Knolls.
One of the most talked about parts of this fall Pep Rally was the festive performances. The three MK cheerleading teams took to the floor multiple times throughout the rally; three times separately, and once together to “Kill the Lights”, highlighting each cheerleaders’ extraordinary talents and abilities. However, the cheerleaders weren’t the only ones putting on an energetic and eye-catching performance. The Morris Knolls Marching Band was also present and brought the gymnasium alive with music.
During the pep rally, we also celebrated and congratulated the many fall sports that graced our fields and courts this past season. The JV and Varsity teams were cheered through the gym doors and onto the main floor by all of the students and staff. These sports included: Girls and Boys Soccer; Girls and Boys Cross Country; Field Hockey; Girls Tennis; Football; and Unified Soccer. There was a vibrant air of school spirit and excitement for every team, and all of the underclassmen athletes looked on in awe as they saw the accomplished upperclassmen stride across the room. One freshman soccer player, Abby Teagan, even said, “I did feel inspired by them, just by how well they seemed to get along and have fun as a team, and I could really see how they almost just boosted each other’s spirits in a way.”
Those who experienced the fall Pep Rally found it quite enjoyable, from veteran viewers to newcomers.. Lindsay Dunn is the teacher for theater in the Academy for Performing Arts at MK, and she had never been involved in a school Pep Rally before. She claimed, “I had the best time. It was wonderful to be a part of everything and to see all of my students showing up and showing support for the school. I really felt like I was part of the community, and I enjoyed all of the festivities.” All in all, the MKHS fall Pep Rally was a festive, energetic, and enthralling event that left everyone who attended feeling proud of the school community that they get to be a part of.